Hired Guns M.C. was founded in late 2002 by brothers Joe, Jim (Moe), and Tim. Brother Joe approached brothers Moe and Tim who have been in and previously seen the positives and negatives of self-proclaimed law enforcement clubs. Brother Joe's persistence finally broke into Moe who had one condition and one only: Hired Guns was going to be 100% law enforcement. It was a done deal; the foundation for Hired Guns M.C. was built. Without hesitation, brother Moe was named president and has since devoted himself to HGMC. Brother Joe was named Sgt. at Arms; brother Tim took on the role of Vice President. Brothers Dino, Marty, and Joe completed the charter members. HGMC continues to grow quickly and has become a symbol of honor, integrity, loyalty, and respect among its members, fellow law enforcement, and the public.